Hi Year 6/7 students!

This term, your task involves composing, rehearsing and filming your own body percussion video.

Learning intention: we are learning to compose and rehearse our own rhythmic patterns, so that we can create brain break videos for our school to use.

Remember this video?

And this one?

Your task is to choose a song and create your own body percussion routine. Once you’ve composed the different rhythms and practiced it, you will then need to video it.

The videos will be given to the teachers in our school to use as brain breaks for their classes.

Get ready to be famous in our school!

First of all though, don’t you want to know how you will be assessed?

Success criteria:

  • I am able to compose (make up) rhythmic patterns for body percussion to suit the different sections of a song (verse, chorus, bridge etc).
  • I can perform our rhythmic patterns using different types of body percussion, keeping in time with the beat.
  • I can video our body percussion routine so that it can be used as a brain break.
  • I can work well as a team.

Step 1

Get into a group of 3-4 students.

Step 2

Discuss and listen to possible song choices. Think about the following points:

  • appropriate lyrics/themes
  • good tempo (not too fast or slow)

Step 3

Choose the song that you will use to create your body percussion video. Check your song choice with Mrs Britton before moving on!

Step 4

Start creating your body percussion movements. Write down your ideas so that you don’t forget. Have a different body percussion pattern for each section of the song (i.e. verse, chorus, bridge etc). Remember, you can use claps, pats, stomps, clicks, taps…

Step 5

Practice your body percussion movements until your group is ready to record.

Step 6

Video your body percussion movements using a MacBook. Open Photo Booth and use this to record your body percussion video (to find Photo Booth, click on the rocket icon in your menu, and look for Photo Booth).

Make sure that you ask Mrs Britton to record which MacBook you have recorded/saved your video on.


Step 7

Edit your video if necessary using iMovie.

Good luck!